As the end of my workday nears, I find myself thinking about how much I got done today versus a normal day without SOPA Blackouts. Did I get more work done? The same? Or somehow less?
Today was an average day as far as items to work on. This helps make the analysis a lot easier to make. The meeting load was mostly normal with the exception of a group meeting that wasted 30 minutes. An average number of people stopped by my desk to gab as well. Overall the perfect day for comparison.
This morning I accomplished several large updates to some existing requirements. Later some process flows were completed along with a review of some stakeholder requirements. This afternoon was filled with a presentation to a vendor and a review of some business requirements with feedback. A mildly productive day.
Let's look at yesterday. There was a completion of several large updates to living documentation. Several more meetings than today. I reviewed many test scripts produced by our on shore resources and provided feedback. There was also a finalization of some requirements. A very productive day!
We can conclude in this very unscientific study that the SOPA and PIPA blackout of Reddit, FARK, Wikipedia, and a whole host of other sites had no discernible impact on the amount of work accomplished today.
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